In the book of Genises, God sent his Angel's to warn Lot (Abraham's brother) that the city he lived in (Sodom) was going to be destroyed along with the city of Gommoroah (ignore the spelling). There actually are gay people in the bible. I beg of you please repent and turn to Jesus Christ. You will have no other spiritual guidance that faith alone, no Godly man will be there to talk to you because we will all have been taken to our rightful home. This is God punishing the evil do-ers, the ones who have deceived you, including satan. Constant famines, floods, diseases, and disasters will be all around you. No matter what your sins are turn! Yes, you will be given a second chance to repent after the rapture, but those times will not be easy to repent. I wish you all the best, please know I don't hate you if you're a homosexual brother or sister but I urgently beg you to turn from your ways before the rapture comes. Fact is, if you seek Jesus Christ earnestly, and with a pure heart you will surely find him. My mom grew up thinking she was gay for a long time, but finally at the age of 42 or so she turned her life to Jesus christ and he cleansed her of that demonic perversion. (it's no only about gays, but we're on the topic of homosexuals) The thing is after years and years of you being told "it's okay you were born this way" blah blah blah, you will eventually become perverted into accepting that lifestyle. It's usually demonically inspired by lust of the flesh, and the media now adays has slowly but surely worked everyone like dough into becoming accepting of this God rebellious nonsense. Anyways, people who think they are gay literally have a mental illness. For the bible says "Repent, and turn from your wicked ways." Anyone who cusses and preaches is immediately disproved by themselves, don't listen to them. It is because they trample his blood by not changing. The ones who want to be apart of the world and God, in revelation they are referred to as lukewarm Christian's, and Jesus will "spew thee" out of his mouth into the fire. The ones who constantly sin, and repent over and over. In fact, it mentions in the bible such people. As Christian's we are cleansed permanently by the blood sacrifice of Jesus christ as long as we ask for forgiveness, but we should strive to be like christ so we don't trample his blood by willfully sinning and repenting. Hell was never created for people, but if we live in constant sin willfully (as an example but not limited to,homosexual relationships, drunkenness that includes drugs, sexual immorality, using cuss words, etc) We cannot enter the kingdom of heaven, because sin can no longer exist in heaven, God will cleanse the world of sin! Amen.
The demons and satan (which must be burned because they are evil, and full of sin) will also burn to nothing. This is because the world which is full of sin (pollution, etc.) Must be cleansed by holy fire. Yes you will go to hell for being gay, but not because God hates you. Having sex with the opposite gender is also a sin, but only before marriage. Being gay is a abomination in God's eyes, this is because it is not how he created things to be. I want everyone to make it to heaven, but it's impossible because the conditions of some peoples heart. No I'm not homophobic, I love all people.

I want to clear something up for everyone. Org peace and love from the master Jesus to all who receive it willingly Delete

By the way if anyone wants to strengthen their bond with Christ check out marked men for Christ. Praying for love and spiritual enlightenment for us. Yes we are called to live how god tells us yet if we focus on him first all that will fall into place. It's about creating a relationship with jesus and loving one another here on earth. God isn't about us burning in hell or going to heaven, although it's a big part of it.

All my brothers in Christ and those who don't believe. BTW anyone who hates on this thread Jesus said you will be hated because of my name so if you think about it you are making the Bible more true. Misery loves company but don't bash god to drag others down with you. Every night when you lay your head down and you have that empty feeling in your heart and wonder what going to happen to me when I die, remember this thread. As for the comment of god not being real. But none can perfect that which is why god sent Jesus to die for our sins.

Anything we do contrary to godswill is sin. Yes homosexuality is in the new testament rom 1:26.